Trams in Bucharest

The passengers are obliged to validate the ticket without delay when boarding the vehicle. The ticket is valid for one trip, any transfer implies a new validation. The tickets and season tickets procured from RATB distribution network will be used accordingly. Validated tickets, season tickets or nominal season tickets are not transmissible.

Buses Routes - Trolleybuse Routes - Trams Routes - Express Line Route

The passengers must have a valid ticket (ticket, season ticket or magnetic card) before boarding.

The following categories of persons are exempted from payment:

  • children under 7 years;
  • veterans, disabled, the Heroes and the successors of the injured or dead in the Revolution of December - according to special card issued by RATB

  • Click here to view Bucharest buses, trams and trolleys map

    Tram #1

    Route: Cart.Colentina(5.00,21.22), sos. Colentina, str. Ziduri Mosi, Halele Obor, bd. Ferdinand, sos. Mihai Bravu, Cal. Vacaresti, sos. Oltenitei, ROMPRIM S.A.(5.56,22.18)
    MidWeek Frequency (min/max): 56/56
    WeekEnd Frequency (min/max): 57/57

    Tram #5

    Route: Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti(5.07, 22.30), str. Barbu Vacarescu, Tunari, Mosilor, Sf. Vineri, Pache Protopopescu, Iancului, Pantelimon, Granitul S.A.(5.07, 22.10)
    MidWeek Frequency (min/max): 10/13
    WeekEnd Frequency (min/max): 11/36

    Tram #7

    Route: C.F.R. Progresul(4.47, 23.05), Sos. Giurgiului, Sos. Viilor, Dr. Istrate, Str. 11 Iunie, Bd. Regina Maria, Piata Unirii(4.48, 23.07)
    MidWeek Frequency (min/max): 4/5
    WeekEnd Frequency (min/max): 5/8

    Tram #8

    Route: Ghencea(4.35, 23.14), Cal. 13 Septembrie, Progresului, Cal. Rahovei, Cal. Ferentari, Zetarilor(4.48, 22.45)
    MidWeek Frequency (min/max): 10/13
    WeekEnd Frequency (min/max): 13/16

    Tram #11

    Route: Romprim(5.31, 23.00), sos.Oltenitei, Sura Mare(5.05, 22.35)
    MidWeek Frequency (min/max): 11/13
    WeekEnd Frequency (min/max): 13/26

    Tram #14

    Route: Granitul S.A.(4.52, 22.15), Sos. Pantelimon, Bd. Ferdinand, Str. Traian, Calea Calarasilor, Sf. Vineri, P-ta Sf. Gheorghe(4.50, 22.54)
    MidWeek Frequency (min/max): 8/12
    WeekEnd Frequency (min/max): 11/39

    Tram #15

    Route: Cimit. Serban Voda (5.07, 23.04), Sos. Oltenitei, Cal. Vacaresti, M. Bravu, Camil Ressu, Th. Pallady, Complex Ratb Titan(4.20, 22.17).
    MidWeek Frequency (min/max): 10/14
    WeekEnd Frequency (min/max): 12/33

    Tram #16

    Route: Republica S.A.(5.16,22.30), Bd. Basarabia, Cal. Calarasilor, Bd. C. Coposu, Sf. Vineri, V. Lascar, Lizeanu, Lacul Tei, Platf. Pipera(4.40, 22.20)
    MidWeek Frequency (min/max): 9/12
    WeekEnd Frequency (min/max): 11/64

    Tram #17

    Route: Sura Mare(5.52, 22.00), Sos. Oltenitei, Cal. Vacaresti, Sos. Mihai Bravu, Lizeanu, Maica Domnului, Bd. Lacul Tei, Lacul Tei(5.00, 21.10)
    MidWeek Frequency (min/max): 56/58
    WeekEnd Frequency (min/max): 56/58

    Tram #19

    Route: Complex Ratb Titan(4.05, 22.16), Th.Pallady, 1 Dec.1918,Rebreanu, C. Ressu, Mihai Bravu, Cal. Vitan, O. Goga, Nerva Traian, Serban Voda, Sura Mare(5.09, 23.18)
    MidWeek Frequency (min/max): 8/12
    WeekEnd Frequency (min/max): 10/21

    Good Afternoon! Welcome to Bucharest!
    Saturday 22nd February | 10:34 PM