Bucharest Weather

Although the city is located in an area with temperate climate, Bucharest is affected by the continental air flows from neighbourhood. The air currents from East are responsible for the excessive variation of temperature about 70 C difference between the hottest summers and the coldest winters. The Eastern and Southern side of the city benefit of long and hot autumns, gently winters and early springs. The average of the annual temperature in Bucharest city is about 10-11 C.

The highest temperature was scored in 1963 and it was of 13,1 C and the lowest was scored in 1875, and it was of 8,3 C. The observations and the study of the analysis data lead to the conclusion that Bucharest city climate respected an alternantion of years with low temperatures (such in 1973, 1977, 1979) and high temperatures (in 1976, 1978, 1980).

The coldest month is January, with an average of temperature of - 2,9 C and the hottest month is July, with an yearly medium value of temperature of 22,8 C. Generally, the variations of temperature between day and night are of 34 - 35 C in winter and of 20 - 30 C, in summer. The highest temperature was of 41.1 C and it was scored on 20 August 1945 and the lowest temperature was of - 30 C and it was scored in January 1888.

The city centre, having the biggest building agglomeration, narrow streets, large avenues and some green areas, benefits of an average of annual temperature of 11 C, a wind flow about 2 m/s, humidity of 3 - 6 % - smaller than in the other areas - and the longest green Season which counts 220 days per year, without frost.

The median area, that includes the ancient industrialised area with little factories, railways stations (The North Station is the biggest railway point, it is characterised by a superior level of pollution, fog days, rainfalls days, a few sunny days, having an average of the annual temperature about 11 C and an average of the annual precipitation of 600 mm per year.

The new residential area (which includes Baneasa, Floreasca, Tei, Pantelimon, Balta Alba, Berceni, Drumul Taberei quarters) has an average of the annual temperature about 10,5 C, sometimes with strong winds, and with a low pollution degree in comparison with the city centre, with a degree of humidity of 77 % with most frequented appearance of the fog phenomenom and a precipitation volume below 550 - 600 mm/year.

The peripherical area is influenced by the image of the small buildings (having 1 - 2 levels), with green areas and big industrialised platforms; this city area is very exposed to the wind, to the hot and cold waves, but with some differences, a high level of humidity and fresh flows air. The precipitations volume is down 500 mm /year.

Good Afternoon! Welcome to Bucharest!
Saturday 22nd February | 04:24 PM