Medieval Bucharest History

Archaeological excavations, different tools discovered in the area of actual place of Bucharest city have revealed evidence of ancient settlements, some over 150, 000 years old.

By the second period of the 13rd century, the territory of the actual city and also the entire Southern area of the Romanian Plain knew a new development process, this period represented the passing into the urban stage of the human settlement.

The documents issued by the Wallachian Office between 1459 - 1625 recorded the presence on the actual territory of Bucharest city a number of 41 settlements.

Bucharest's first documentary attestation dates from the 15th century (on 20th September 1459) and it is a document by which the Prince Vlad the Impaler confirmed a donation made to some small feudals. The establishment of princely residence in Bucharest was realised during the Prince Vlad the Impaler - Vlad Tepe} regning and it has a decisive role in the further development of the settlement.

In this manner, at the beginning of the 15th century there was recorded a double rising in the city surface. There lies new quarters populated by craftsman.

In the area called today 'the Saint George' were localized in the past the ovens of ironsmiths, at the Unity Square (Pia]a Unirii) - Col]ea Place (Zona Col]ea) were localized the ovens of the potters and on the banks of the D$mbovi]a river, the tanners had established their residence. On the Northern side of the Princely Court had established the residence of the trade workers, the furriers, the tailors. The main commercial and trade point becomes 'The Big Lane' (Uli]a Mare), it being called today Lipscani street and its first documentary attestation dates from 5th June 1589.

From the beginning of the 15th century and until the end of Feudal Period, despite of the big natural desasters and the wars, the Bucharest city knew a continous economic and social development and it became one of the main industrialized city centers of the South - Eastern Europe.

Beginning with the 18th century there were established the first manufactures. In 1764, there was certified the first documentary attestation of a waxen manufacture. In 1766 was established 'the Cloth Factory from Afuma]i' , and in 1767 was established the Paper Factory from Fundeni. The census from 1811 had mentioned the fact that in Bucharest a number of 2981 people were been working in the field of trade and skillcrafts.

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Tuesday 22nd October | 05:48 AM