Bucharest Useful Informations

If you are looking for a hotel, a restaurant, a bar or you are searching for transportation information, here is the best place to look for. This is a huge information directory created specialy for you, full of useful information about all the things that you interested in when you come to Bucharest.

Bucharest Accommodation
If you are looking for a hotel in Bucharest, here you will find more then 30 hotels, located in city center or near airports. Book now and save more!... read more

Bucharest Dining
The cheapest places to eat at midday are the street stalls, pizzerias, kebab and burger bars on the main avenues, around the Gara de Nord and in the Piata Universitatii underpass. Mostly, these are... read more

Bucharest Maps
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Bucharest Transportation
Bucharest's extensive public transport system is the largest in Romania and the third largest in Europe. It is made up of the Bucharest Metroas well as a surface transport system run by RATB (Regia Au... read more

Bucharest Entertainment
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Bucharest Services
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Bucharest Phone Numbers
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Bucharest Culture & Tourism
Bucharest's culture has, especially in the last 15 years, become more modern and wordly in comparison to other Romanian cities. Traditional Romanian culture, however, continues to have an influence in... read more

Bucharest Mass Media
Bucharest is the most important centre for Romanian mass media, since it is the headquarters of all the national television networks as well as national newspapers and radio stations. The largest dail... read more

Bucharest Institutions & Business
Bucharest is the most economically-developed and industrialised city in Romania, producing around 21% of the country's GDP and about one-quarter of its industrial production, while only accounting for... read more

Bucharest Shopping & Fashion
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Good Afternoon! Welcome to Bucharest!
Sunday 09th February | 05:32 AM